Mussels, mahi mahi, and shimp bathed in a wine and tomato stew and topped with fresh parsely served in a white enamel bowl with a slice of French baguette.

Seafood Stew

It’s no secret. I love seafood. Growing up, the protein hierarchy in our home went like this–fish, chicken, pork, turkey, beef. That was the order. So it’s not surprising that I love all things seafood and my Seafood Stew recipe is no exception. One of the things I love about making this recipe is how incredibly versatile it is. You can swap out the seafood used below, in most cases, for whatever you have on hand. So you don’t have shrimp? Throw in some calamari. Not a fan of mahi mahi? Throw in some cod instead.

Enough talking about it. Let’s get cooking.


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