Beef Patty

Jamaican-style Beef Patties

I grew up eating Jamaican beef patties. In NYC, Caribbean bakeries and restaurants are everywhere. In Georgia, however, there are definitely fewer Caribbean bakeries to choose from and depending on where you live, you might be in for a 30-minute drive to get to the nearest one. So, I decided to teach myself how to make beef patties at home so that no matter where I am, I can always have a taste of one of my favorite childhood meals.

Before we get started, I want to give you a few lessons learned while I was creating this recipe:

  1. Do NOT handle the tumeric with your bare hands. Use a Kitchenaid mixer or be sure to wear food safe gloves. I did not do this during my initial run and my nice, nude nails were an interesting shade of tumeric gold for an entire two days.
  2. Use a wooden or marble rolling pin. I used my silicone rolling pin during my initial run and it just was not heavy enough to roll out the dough to the desired thinness.
  3. Be very, very careful when working with scotch bonnet peppers. Now, to be honest, I learned this lesson about twenty years ago, but it is so important that it is worth repeating. The oil released when cutting scotch bonnet peppers will get onto your hands and into your skin. Do NOT rub your eyes or touch your lips without thoroughly washing your hands after handling the peppers. I like to rub a bit of fresh lemon on my hands before rinsing off the pepper oil. I find that it helps with thoroughly removing the oil.

Now, with all of that said, let’s get cooking.


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