Crab Cakes topped with Corn Salad on a bed of Garlic Whipped Mashed Potatoes

Crab Cakes

Making a good crab requires striking a delicate balance between the amount of breading and the amount of crab used. If you put too much breading, you lose the taste of the crab meat, so it tastes more like fried bread with a hint of crab. If you don’t put enough breading, your crab cake will shackle and look more like a crab cake mash than an actual crab cake. This recipe strikes just the right balance and happens to be one of my husband’s favorite meals. He won’t even order crab cakes at a restaurant anymore. You can have them as appetizers or add in a side salad and have them for dinner. Try it out and let me know what you think. Hopefully you will enjoy them as much as my husband does.


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